Marmon Holdings, Inc.
Recruitment Fraud Notice

Fraudulent Offers

We have been made aware that fraudsters posing as legitimate employers are contacting job-seeking candidates and making fake job offers. This is a common scheme, where fraudulent job listings are posted on popular employment websites such as LinkedIn and Indeed. Scammers even create their own websites which mimic legitimate company recruiting sites. Please use caution when using these sites and when reviewing and replying to messages regarding employment opportunities. See the tips below to help you spot recruitment fraud.

Please note that these fraudulent schemes are common and are not indicative that there has been any security issue within Marmon’s information technology network.

If you are interested in working for Marmon, we encourage you to visit our careers site

Identifying Recruitment Fraud

When attempting to identify recruitment fraud, please consider the following:

  • Marmon Holdings does not conduct job interviews via email, chat, or social media sites.
  • Marmon does not require job candidates to send money to us to participate in the interview process or purchase equipment.
  • If you are contacted via email by a recruiter claiming to work for Marmon, be sure to verify that the communication is coming from a Marmon-owned email address.
  • For roles withing Marmon’s corporate team, email addresses end with “” (i.e. [email protected]).
  • If you are contacted via phone by a recruiter claiming to work for Marmon, please have them follow-up via email to validate if they have a address.
  • Marmon does not make job offers to individuals who have not gone through the appropriate interview processes.
  • Please be wary of any recruiter who makes you a job offer if you have not already applied for the job directly from the Marmon Careers website or job board like LinkedIn or Indeed.

Reporting Fraudulent Offers

You can report job recruitment fraud to local law enforcement and/or the Federal Trade Commission at